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About us


DJFirst is about bringing the community into the digital era for the first time. We want to establish a new generation of 'Digital Jews' capable of navigating the complexities of social networks which have quickly become the main drivers of public opinion.


We are in no doubt that the community must have a credible social media presence if it is to mount an effective fight-back against anti-Semitism. 


Many members of the community have told us that they feel helpless in the digital age.  They have a deep store of knowledge and experience but feel unable to fight against anti-Semitism and the demonisation of Israel because they don't know what to do.


So our simple aim is to equip members of the community with the basic technical skills they need to participate effectively in social media and we undertake to provide help to the best of our ability for as long as there is a need for people to be trained.


Although we believe social media to be the most important capability in the battle against anti-semitism we recognise the good work being done by others.  We pledge to work alongside more conventional efforts being made by many other communal organisations.


DJFirst a non-for profit initiative staffed by volunteers who have generously given their time to develop this web site and deliver training. All of our services are completely free.

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